Versioning ensures compatibility between different SwiftMQ releases and takes place within the following areas:
SMQP protocol
SMQPR protocol
SMQPHA protocol
HA replication tunnel protocol
Routing connections
Route exchange
Pub/sub subscription exchange
Management via SwiftMQ Explorer, CLI, CLI Admin API
SMQP Protocol
SMQP is the abbreviation of "SwiftMQ Protocol" and is used as the underlying protocol between JMS clients and a SwiftMQ router. The complete SMQP protocol stack is versioned. So far, it is possible to remove complete stacks out of swiftmq.jar once it expires in the future. There is one non-versioned SMQP request to select the protocol stack which is used by JMS clients as the first request to negotiate the protocol version. Thereafter, a complete versioned protocol stack is used.
Specifying the SMQP Protocol Version
Since release 7.3.2 it is possible to specify a particular SMQP protocol version to connect to a SwiftMQ Universal Router. This is only necessary if it is required to connect with a higher versioned JMS client (e.g. CLI) to an older versioned SwiftMQ Universal Router, e.g. if the SwiftMQ Universal Router can't be upgraded due to internal reasons. To use the most recent client-side features, the SMQP protocol version can be set with the following system property:
where "version" is one of the following:
Version 750 is the latest version and default. All prior protocol versions have been retired with SwiftMQ 13.
SMQPR Protocol
SMQPR is the abbreviation of "SwiftMQ Protocol for Routing" and is used as the underlying protocol between SwiftMQ routers to exchange messages over routing connections. It uses also versioned protocol stacks and a non-versioned SMQPR request to negotiate the protocol version.
SMQPHA Protocol
SMQPHA is the abbreviation of "SwiftMQ Protocol for High Availability" and is used as the underlying protocol between ACTIVE and STANDBY HA instances of a SwiftMQ HA Router. It uses also versioned protocol stacks and a non-versioned SMQPHA request to negotiate the protocol version.
HA Replication Tunnel Protocol
HA replication tunnel protocol is used on top of an SMQPHA replication tunnel. The versioning takes place per tunnel. So it's possible to have different protocol versions per replication tunnel.
JMS clients and a SwiftMQ router are using SMQP to interact. All JMS client classes as well as all corresponding classes at the JMS Swiftlet of the router are versioned. The JMS Swiftlet provides multiple versions, where each version is completely separated from the other version. A JMS connection is created via a connection factory which is either obtained from JNDI or created the proprietary way. Both ways result in a versioned connection factory that launches a versioned connection object on the JMS client. The JMS client uses versioned SMQP to connect to a router, negotiate the version with the router which then launches a versioned connection by itself. Therefore, it is possible to connect a 4.0.0 and a 5.0.0 JMS client to the same 5.0.0 router, using different versioned connection classes on the router side.
JNDI is realized on top of a JMS connection. Before the JNDI request is sent to the router, a versioned JMS connection will be established. Thereafter, JNDI requests are sent via internal JMS destinations. These JNDI requests are versioned as well. The JNDI Swiftlet provides sets of versioned request handlers, where each set is completely separated from the others.
Routing Connections
SwiftMQ Universal Routers are using SMQPR to interact. All connection classes are versioned and completely separated. During the connect, the appropriate version is negotiated and versioned routing connections are launched on each side. New releases will contain multiple versions and can therefore interact with older releases.
Route Exchange
After a versioned routing connection has been established, routes are exchanged between the corresponding routers. Routes are versioned and being converted to the version the corresponding router accepts.
Pub/Sub Subscription Exchange
Those notifications are exchanged between Topic Manager Swiftlets to ensure that pub/sub-messages are sent to remote routers if they have at least one subscription for a particular topic. Notification exchange starts first after a route is known and continues on each appropriate event. The notifications are versioned and being converted to the version the corresponding Topic Manager Swiftlets accepts.
Management via SwiftMQ Explorer, CLI, CLI Admin API
A SwiftMQ administration tool and the corresponding Management Swiftlet of the particular router negotiate a protocol version during the connection. If the Management Swiftlet supports the requested protocol version, it loads the protocol stack and uses it for any further communication with that tool. Therefore, an administration tool is able to manage a router network containing routers with different protocol versions simultaneously.