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Flow Component Lifecycle

When a flow is deployed, each flow component runs through the following phases:

  • init
  • start
  • stop

For each phase a handler can be registered that is executed in the particular phase. All handler source files must be named handler.js. All operations are performed against the SwiftMQ Stream Interface (SI) or custom library classes. Note that all resources, e.g. memories, inputs, outputs, that are created from the stream variable are automatically started, stopped and destroyed from the SI so there is usually nothing to do in the start or stop phase.


During this phase, a flow component creates all resources that it needs during its lifetime. The handler is stored under the init folder of the flow component:


function handler() {


This phase is executed after all components of the flow have successfully passed the init phase. It should be used to start resources. The handler is stored under the start folder of the flow component:

The components are then active and will receive/send through their connector links.


This phase is executed when a flow stops. The handler is stored under the stop folder of the flow component:

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